Saturday, 22 August 2015

Snowdon with family

Failed again!
The Watkin Path again and it was already raining as we pulled into the car park. We thought we'd give it a go as we were "reasonably" well prepared.

The climb started wet but we we're all enjoying the scenery. The waterfalls are amazing. It was hot so we weren't sealed up inside our waterproofs as we should've been. We didn't notice how wet we'd become until we took a break around halfway up. The clouds had really come in and both visibility and temperatures were dropping. It was here that two guys came down from the track up ahead, also looking very wet, and asked which way we were going. They said the summit cafe and train were closed due to the weather; my bribe just went out the window. 

Ruth and I discussed whether to proceed anyway or turn around. My eldest daughter was already grumpy and we were all very wet. Both Ruth and the kids were getting cold, I was OK, but it was time to back.

At the bottom we fed and watered while we warmed up, in the Caffi Gwynant. I'll have to come back, third time lucky.